Letter from the Chair
Welcome to George Mason University’s Civil Engineering Institute. We are privileged to bring together industry partners, faculty, and students to foster meaningful engagement across the full spectrum of our industry and between current and future practitioners. We have the honor of working with the brilliant and talented GMU faculty to advise and support our future civil engineering workforce through a variety of programs and investments.
Our board of directors and members teach as adjunct professors, mentor and coach students, support the school's continued ABET accreditation, give an industry perspective to student curriculum, sponsor and raise monies for student scholarships, programs, and engagement, and support student organizations with time, resources, and funding.
As the President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Institute of Building Sciences, I have found that nothing ever comes close to displacing the vital and present need for young engineers as the top priority in our industry. If you are interested in supporting the next generation of engineering talent and the vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community that is George Mason University, please consider joining the Civil Engineering Institute. Please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and discuss how you can be part of GMU’s continuing contribution to the future of civil engineering.
George K. Guszcza, D.Eng, CPEM, CCM
Chair, Civil Engineering Institute Board of Directors
Executive Committee
- Chair: George Guszcza, D.Eng, CPEM, CCM – National Institute of Building Sciences
- Vice Chair: Helman Castro, PE - Fairfax County
- Treasurer: Brian Chromey, PE – Wetland Studies Solutions Inc.
- Executive Director: Elise Miller-Hooks, PhD – Department Chair, Bill and Eleanor Hazel Endowed chair in Infrastructure Engineering
Board of Directors
Board Members
- Carmen Bere, PE – Fairfax Water
- Cerasela Cristei, PhD, PE – ATCS
- Ingrid Davis-Colato – Michael Baker International
- George Guszcza, D.Eng, CPEM, CCM – National Institutes of Building Sciences
- Hardeep Rana, PE – Retired, Washington Gas
- John F. Roddy – William A. Hazel Incorporated
- Terry Suehr, PE, PMP, DBIA – Transurban
- Brian Chromey, PE – Wetland Studies and Solutions Inc.
- Bill Haight III, PE, F. SAME – WSP
- Lara Hegler, PE – Alpha Corporation
- Joe Manous, Jr, PhD, PE - Institute for Water Resources, USACE
- Kelsey Ryan, PE – Gordon
- Kurt Thompson, PE – Retired, Dewberry
- S. Richard Benton, PE, F.ASCE, DBIA – SR Benton & Associates LLC
- Helman Castro, PE – Fairfax County
- Abdul Hammadi, PE – VDOT
- Jamie Bain Hedges, PE – Fairfax Water
- Douglas Kennedy, PE – Pennoni
- Stephen D. Lisse, PE – Retired
- Michael E. Post – Shirley Contracting Company LLC
Member Organizations
- Arcadis – James Kelly, PE
- Balfour Beatty Construction — Alan Le
- Bowman –– Brad Gladfelter, PE
- Dewberry — Jerry Sparks
- ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC –– Bryan C. Layman, PE, L.P.S.S, A.O.S.E., LEED AP
- Fairfax County — Helman Castro, PE
- Fairfax Water — Jamie Bain Hedges, PE
- Garney Construction – Immanuel Samuel
- Gordon –– Kelsey Ryan, PE
- Land Design Consultants – Carlos Flores-Garay, PE
- Michael Baker International — Ingrid Davis-Colato
- Pennoni — Douglas Kennedy, PE
- Shirley Contracting Company, LLC –– Michael E. Post
- Urban –– Clayton Tock, PE
- Washington Gas — Cathy Trent, PE
- Wetland Studies and Solutions Inc. — Brian Chromey, PE
- William A. Hazel Inc. — John F. Roddy
- WSP –– Bill Haight III, PE, F. SAME
Individual Members
- S. Richard Benton, PE, F.ASCE, DBIA
- Cerasela Cristei, PhD, PE
- Abdul Hammadi, PE
- Stuart Harrison
- Hank Hatch, PE
- Lara Hegler, PE
- Stephen D. Lisse, PE
- Billy Mailem
- Joe Manous, Jr, PhD, PE
- Hardeep Rana, PE
- Christopher Reseigh, PE
- Terry Suehr, PE, PMP, DBIA
- Scott Swilley
- Kurt Thompson, PE
CEIE Faculty (ex-officio)
- David Binning, PE
- Doaa Bondok
- Liza Wilson Durant
- Celso Ferreira, PE
- Kirin Emlet Furst
- Deborah Goodings
- Lucas Henneman
- Wenying Ji
- Laura Kosoglu
- David Lattanzi, PE
- Viviana Maggioni
- Elise Miller-Hooks
- Sam Salem
- Burak Tanyu
- Kuo Tian
- Girum Urgessa, PE
- Mohan Venigalla, PE
- Ken Walsh
- Shanjiang Zhu
Emeritus Members
- Michael S. Bronzini, PE
- Charlie C. Crowder Jr.
- Sidney O. Dewberry, PE, LS (in memoriam)
- William Fry, PE
- H.S. Hulme Jr., PE
Why Join the Civil Engineering Institute?
Because you and your employer want to support the mission of:
- Supporting the growth of the CEIE Department
- Developing relationships with CEIE faculty, students, and industry
- Providing full-time and internship opportunities
- Helping fundraise for student success
Our Work Includes:
- Curriculum development and accreditation support
- Brainstorm and strategize with CEIE for future work
- Senior design and senior graduation event support
- Co-production of the CEIE/CEI annual report
- Job and career fair prep
- Alumni networking
- Annual award luncheon
- Engineering excellence and leadership awards
- CEIE Distinguished Speaker Series support
- Monthly board meetings
What are the other benefits of CEI membership?
- Special invitations to attend student and visiting lectures
- Recruiting benefits include special access to CEIE students, alumni, and recruiting events
- Recognition of members as CEIE department supporters on the CEIE website
- Invitations to annual social events organized by CEI board members and committees
- Opportunity to earn a seat at CEI board meetings
By participating in a variety of CEI, CEIE, and College of Engineering and Computing activities, you and your company will be integrated into one of the fastest-growing and highest-quality civil engineering programs in the entire region. Don't wait. Join today!